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Thứ Ba, 22 tháng 11, 2016

Free time with elephant facts

Knowlege is somethings everyones want have much as they can. For your knowlege to day I will share some elephant facts in my post. It's good time for you to learn about factoflife in elephant wild live.
Elephants are the biggestst land mammal on Earth with a long trunk, a biggest ear, tusks, and pillar-like legs. In contrast to their sleek, elephants are adorable and clumsy mammals. Let’s discover these cute animals through our collection of elephant facts for kids with information about two main species of elephants, African elephant facts and Asian elephants.

Elephant facts for kids

It is interesting that elephants are the only mammal on Earth that cannot jump. This is an interesting information about elephants for kids.
Each elephant has completely unique ears. African elephant’s ears are about three times biggestr than those of Asian elephants.
African and Asian elephants use their ears as an air conditioner. It’s interesting that African elephants tend lớn use their long ears for signaling others or protection.
In spite of their biggest ears, elephants have a poor hearing.
Another elephant fun facts to know: The average adult elephants may poop 80 pounds per day. This mammal can drink up to 80 gallons of water in just a single day.

The very first bomb dropped on Berlin by the Allies, killed the only elephant in Berlin Zoo during the World War II.
The smell of water is so familiar lớn elephants that they can recognize it from three miles away.
Elephants have a pulse rate of 27. That is one of elephant fun facts for kids.
If an elephant dies, its family members will take a very good care of the bones. This shows that elephants also have emotion like humans. That is one of interesting information about elephants for kids.
Elephants can live for as long as 70 years.
Elephants spend about 16 hours eating in a single day.
Elephants just sleep about 5 hours a night. They sleep while standing. Another elephant factsthat you should know!
Elephant’s long trunk has no bones. Over 150,000 muscles and nerves provide the trunk’s flexibility.
Elephants have a really tough skin, it’s about một inch thick. This is unbelievable!
An elephant has enough control over their power lớn grasp and lift a raw egg with the trunk without breaking the shell.
Elephants listen with their feet and their ears. When an elephant speaks, it creates a low-pitched rumbling sound that is almost inaudible but sends vibrations through the earth.
Elephants will fill their trunk with up to about 5 quarts of water then empty it into their mouth to drink.
An elephant’s trunk also serves as a straw or a hose.

Read more topic at dog, cat, penguin,....

The best free games for this week


The best free games for this week 

Planet Maker by Tom Betts

I'm a big fan of planets, so much that I decided to be born on one, so I was all over this limited, but mildly diverting planet creation tool from Big Robot's Tom Betts. Fiddle with some parameters, then hit build to make your own spherical world, one gloriously free of terrible humans and their environment-destroying ways. Learn more about science facts via our articles.

Silent Crossing by Lycaon

Procedurally make a creepy, foggy town with Silent Crossing, one comprised of a few empty houses, some trees, and probably a lake. OK, so its misty hamlets aren't quite as varied as the ones in, say, Sir, You Are Being Hunted, but when you need to explore an atmospheric, low-fidelity environment and you're not too keen on the presence of monsters, Silent Crossing has you covered. Revisit Silent Hill, without having to fend off manifestations of guilt and/or freaky Pyramid Heads. Check out my list of fun, weird and just plain amazing fact of life I have found.

Acre 6 by Blendo Games

Brendon Chung's contribution to the Procedural Generation Jam is this idle-ish RPG that doles out rewards, experience and quests at an alarming rate as you guide a little hero around a series of nicely illustrated maps. It's a bit overwhelming, actually, and not as gratifying as something like Cookie Clicker that you can happily leave in a tab while you write an email, but I can't deny the appeal of a big XP bar that fills up as you gradually uncover a world.

Plus, there are lots of funny names for things, as you can see in the above screenshot.

The Green Legion by Guerra Games

A procedural shmup that offers randomly shuffled regular enemies and bosses, but also satisfying vertical shootin' and avoidin' just like in [Insert obscure shoot-'em-up reference here]. Really, there's not much more to say than that, but it's actually fairly rare to come across a homemade shmup that feels as slick as The Green Legion, so nice work.

Exit 19 by Jack Squires

Part of Ambient Mixtape 16—which gave a bunch of developers the same First-Person Controller for Unity, and asked them to make games based on the theme "After Hours"—Exit 19 deposits the player in a broken-down car at the side of the road, and yeah, that's pretty much it. That's enough, and its stretch of desert highway, bathed in the orange glow of a fading sun, is a lovely place to spend a few minutes of your time.

The Nightmare of a City I Thought I Knew by Pol Clarissou

A terrifying snapshot of city life at night, putting the player in the role of a character clearly overwhelmed by its harsh neon lights, and the presence of speeding cars who will bash into you if you step out into the road. Perhaps because of impaired vision, perhaps because of blind panic, it's almost impossible to distinguish road from pavement here, and it surely won't be too long before you retreat to the safety of the subway tunnel and end the game. Would you like to get free online games for kids ?

Thứ Năm, 17 tháng 11, 2016

Quick Ace Attorney - Spirit of Justice Review


Quick Ace Attorney - Spirit of Justice Review: Hardcore fans of the series will still enjoy it despite its flaws. Newcomers may want to check out the original Phoenix Wright trilogy on DS, where the series is at its strongest.

The Ace Attorney franchise has come a long way from its humble beginnings as a Japan-exclusive GBA visual novel. The lawyer simulator has built up such a ravenous fanbase in the west that it convinced Capcom to release English versions of the series' last two games - even if they are only available as digital downloads and not as retail copies. Spirit of Justice, the sixth entry in the series, brings Phoenix, Apollo, and the rest of the gang back for their zaniest adventure yet. But is it a little too 'zany' for its own good this time around?
Enjoy our wide range of funny pictures with captions that can make a joyful day.

The game itself plays almost exactly the same as its predecessor, Dual Destinies. Gameplay is split into two segments: investigations and trials, and just like all of the previous Ace Attorney you'll gather evidence and interview witnesses in the investigation segment, then present that evidence and cross-examine those witnesses in the trial segment. Nothing really "new" has been added to the investigation segments since Dual Destiniesbrought with it new features such as 3D models and backgrounds. It has, however, all been tidied up a bit, as examining objects and locations, and moving around the world, isn't quite as finicky as it used to be.

The trail segments have a new "seance" feature, in which a spirit medium can channel the murder victim's last memories to display in a big reflecting pool, and you'll have to use these seance visions to point out contradictions in testimony.

And herein lies my biggest gripe with the new title. Ace Attorney started off fairly grounded in reality. Yes, there was the whole "Maya is a spirit medium" thing, but it was only ever a small part of the game, which focused on realistic trials involving real (albeit, "colorful") people and plausible circumstances. I feel like every successive game has been trying to one-up its predecessor in terms of ridiculous magic powers and defense attorney hate, and now it's come to a head with Spirit of Justice. The game's first case takes you to the Kingdom of Khura'in, where they have abolished defense attorneys all together. Instead, cases are decided solely on the aforementioned seance visions.

If that's not enough, the "DC culpability act" that the country passed means that lawyers suffer the exact same punishment as their clients if they fail to prove their innocence. Within moments of arriving in Khura'in, Wright finds himself defending a young boy from a murder charge, with literally both the boy and his own life on the line.

The following case, with Apolo Justice back in "America", is a bit more grounded (and probably the best in the whole game), but after that we are back in the weird and wacky land of Khura'in where the courtroom gallery chants "DEATH TO LAWYERS" during trials.

Suffice to say, the writing in Spirit of Justice is the weakest I've seen in the series so far. While there are some funny interactions between characters and the puzzle-game nature of the courtroom sequences is still really interesting, only a handful of cases really stood out as being well-written with depth, as the rest were just obvious villains trying so hard to shift the blame on Phoenix's family and friends (how does this agency make any money when they only ever represent their friends for free?) and "plot twists" that you can spot a mile away. It's not necessarily "bad writing," it's just not as good as it has been in the past.

Characterization is really good, and aside from the aforementioned cardboard-cutout villains, all of the new characters have really interesting personalities that fit well with the cases. Some old favorites like Maya return, and the existing Wright and Co. gang still keep their rather... distinctive personalities in check.
Start your day with game, app reviews and free online games for kids

While the writing has suffered, the puzzles have never been better. They are difficult, but fair, and I never felt cheated or got frustrated because I couldn't figure out that exact piece of evidence the court was looking for. There was one point where I had to pick out a specific scene in a video tape that was quite aggravating, as the game was very sensitive on the exact location i had to pick, but other than that the system is quite forgiving on the player when examining and presenting evidence.

The game has a considerable bulk to it and it will take you in the ballpark of 10-15 hours to get through all the cases. You definitely get your money's worth.

Bottom Line: Spirit of Justice, the sixth game in the Ace Attorney series, is really starting to show some franchise fatigue. The puzzles and the technical systems behind it have improved, but the writing has begun to suffer.

Those who loves to discover nature will not want to miss our wide range of factoflife articles.

Thứ Sáu, 9 tháng 9, 2016

The most amazing vitamin C facts

This writing can be considered as online dictionary and encyclopedia of facts, information about Vitamin C . Let's see to know why:

Kết quả hình ảnh cho vitamin c

Vitamin C fact 1
One more fact about vitamin C is that is an essential nutrient for the formation and maintenance of collagen in the body.
This is a glue-like fibrous protein that maintains and provides structure to the connective tissue in our bodies.
This tissue is necessary for the growth, health, and repair of our bones, tendons, cartilage and skin.
It also plays a role with wound healing.

Vitamin C fact 2
Vitamin C manufactures certain anti-stress hormones, and turns food into energy.

Vitamin C fact 3
Vitamin C lowers the risk of a range of cancers
It has been shown in various studies to lower the risk of breast cancer as well as cancers in the: cervix, colon, larynx, lungs, mouth, prostate and stomach.
One study found that vitamin C plays an important role in preventing certain airway diseases such as cystic fibrosis and asthma.

Vitamin C fact 4
It is very unlikely to have too much vitamin C?
Vitamin C is water soluble. This means that dietary excesses are not absorbed by the body meaning that the excesses vitamin C in your blood are rapidly excreted in the urine.
Consequently there are no documented vitamin C side effects for vitamin C in relation to natural food sources intake. Any vitamin C side effects symptoms can only relate to it being taken in supplemental form. The main symptom of vitamin C side effects related to excessive intake can be diarrhea and kidney stones. This will happen as the body attempts to expel excess amounts through urine. 

Kết quả hình ảnh cho vitamin c

Vitamin C fact 5
Nutrient density defined. Nutrient dense foods provides you with the most concentrated amount of valuable nutrients(vitamins, minerals, fiber, essential fatty acids), for the fewest amount of calories.
Many people think that we can get vitamin C only from citrus foods like oranges and lemons. From the list below you will notice many non-citrus fruits like papaya that are excellent sources of this nutrient. Additionally also take note of the many vegetables featuring on the list. On the list below we have compiled a list of foods high in vitamin C ranked in terms of a Nutrient Density index.

Vitamin C fact 6

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin, which means it disappears, or dissolves in water (like putting sugar into water, the sugar disappears). What does this mean for your body? This means that your body can't hold onto vitamin C very long, so you need to eat it every day!

Vitamin C fact 7

In the 1700s, men in the British navy were nicknamed "Limeys." They got this name because they were made to eat lime juice on long ocean voyages. The reason? They were getting a disease called Scurvy, which is caused by not getting enough (or any) vitamin C. Scurvy causes bleeding gums, loss of teeth, and easy bruising. They started drinking lime juice, which prevented the Scurvy!

Vitamin C fact 8

Smoking cigarettes, while harmful in many ways we can see, also is harmful to the body in ways we can't see. For example, smoking tobacco destroys vitamin C in the body!

Vitamin C fact 9
Vitamin C even helps your brain! It is important in making a special hormone in the brain, called a neurotransmitter, that helps with brain function.

Vitamin C fact 10

You can get too much vitamin C and get diarrhea and tummy aches. Most people get enough vitamin C in their diet, but there are vitamin C pills available for people who need extra.

Would you like to see random fact of the day

Thứ Hai, 5 tháng 9, 2016

Amazing skin benefits of vitamin C

Read writing below to know the amazing skin benefits of Vitamin C:

It's been centuries since British sailors discovered the key to avoiding scurvy: vitamin C. You probably grew up being told that getting enough vitamin C would ward off colds and other ailments, but now the word is out that vitamin C may not play a big part in staving off the sniffles. However, it does have a vital role in maintaining the health of your skin.

Those sailors and others who couldn't get fresh fruits and vegetables suffered bleeding under the skin, ulcers and joint weakness. That's because vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is key to the production of collagen, a protein that aids in the growth of cells and blood vessels and gives skin its firmness and strength. Vitamin C also helps create scar tissue and ligaments, and it helps your skin repair itself.

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that slows the rate of free-radical damage -- free radicals are unstable molecules that damage collagen and cause skin dryness, fine lines and wrinkles. New research shows that ascorbic acid 2-phosphate, a derivative of vitamin C, not only neutralizes free radicals, but also reverses DNA damage.

Research suggests that vitamin C may also reduce sunburn caused by exposure to ultraviolet B radiation and prevent the consequences of long-term sun exposure, which can lead to skin cancer. This doesn't mean you can take vitamins or apply topical vitamin C and then bake safely in the sun, but you can help keep your skin healthy and supple by making sure you get enough of this antioxidant vitamin.

Keep reading to learn what foods you can incorporate into your diet to make sure you get the vitamin C your body needs.

For other amazing news: single malt scotch

Thứ Tư, 31 tháng 8, 2016

Why do giraffes have black tongues?

Why do giraffes have black tongues? And here, this writing will give you the best reason

Giraffes may be known for their long necks, but that's not their only creature feature their tongues are over a foot and a half long and, more noticeably, black!

Kết quả hình ảnh cho Why do giraffes have blue tongues?

One animal with a startlingly bright blue tongue? The aptly named blue-tongue skink, native of Australia and on display in many zoos across the country. The blue-tongue skink is actually a type of lizard and it sticks out its blue tongue when threatened to scare away predators.

There are a number of lizards with blue tongues, all found in Australia, all thought to have the blue tongue as a means of protection against predators. Just to name a few: The Eastern blue tongue lizard, the pygmy blue tongue lizard, and the bob-tailed blue tongue lizard. Interesting fun fact? Like other lizards, blue tongue lizards can smell through their tongues, which explain why they stick them out so much (though that still doesn’t explain why Michael Jordan always stuck out his tongue.).

Related to: giraffe baby

Some believe that giraffes have blue tongues to scare away predators too, but that answer doesn’t make much sense to me. Being an avid watcher of the Discovery Channel, I can tell you that a lion about to pounce on an unknowing giraffe doesn’t really get a good look at its tongue before it makes the kill. So why do giraffes have blue tongues? Some say that it provides sun protection for their tongues, since they don’t get much shade up there above the trees — a great answer for why giraffes have blue tongues, but again not an adequate explanation for why okapi (the giraffe’s cousin with shorter necks) have blue tongues too. I can tell you with authority that both okapis’ and giraffes’ tongues are absurdly long, like 20 inches long, like long enough to wrap its tongue around a large leaf of lettuce and still touch your hand at the end of it.

Speaking of which, the giraffe feeding at the zoo calls to mind one of the many moments when as a parent, you just have to suck it up and pretend to be brave so your preschooler doesn’t end up being a scaredy-cat just like you. For me, that ranks up there with things like the petting zoo (I hate goats) and picking up lizards in your bathroom and letting them go in your backyard (I hate lizards). All things you do in front of your kids but would never do if you were alone (and frankly, an adult alone in the petting zoo would be kind of weird anyway).

Another animal with a blue tongue is the Chow-Chow dog, a sturdy, squarely built dog from China. It’s not known why these dogs have blue tongues, but it is known that Sigmund Freud owned a Chow-Chow himself, and was known to bring him to therapy sessions with him since he believed that dogs had a keen sense when it came to knowing people. I’m just full of fun facts today, aren’t I? There you have it, folks. Why some animals have blue tongues and their (in some cases, lack of) explanation.

Thứ Ba, 30 tháng 8, 2016

Top 8 Vitamin C Foods List

Here are top 8 richest vitamin c foods in all kind of food. Let's see

1. Strawberries

One of the tastiest and healthiest berries on the planet, strawberries are extremely high in vitamin C. Strawberries aren’t just a vitamin c food, however, they’re also high in fiber and the antioxidants responsible for reducing oxidative stress and protecting the heart from excess LDL cholesterol. Just one serving holds about half of your daily vitamin C needs.

2. Acerola Cherry

The Acerola cherry, Malpighia punicifolia, is a small red fruit that is packed with vitamin C! It holds about 65x the amount of vitamin C than an orange. Fresh, raw acerola cherries are available, but if they’re not in season, you can also buy it in powder form.

3. Citrus Fruits

Oranges, grapefruits, lemon and limes! Citrus fruits pop a powerful vitamin C punch. Peel one medium orange for a whopping 70mg. A small glass of OJ has up to 93mg of vitamin C, and a small glass of grapefruit juice has up to 70 mg of vitamin C. Even though oranges are probably the most popular vitamin C food, it doesn’t have the highest amount in it.

4. Papayas

Papayas are another food high in vitamin C, with one serving holding 100% of your daily needs. Try throwing some in your next smoothie or yogurt. This bright fruit it also high in vitamin A.

5. Black Currant

With its deep dark purple hue, its easy to imagine that this fruit would be high in Vitamin C. Black currants hold around 180mg per serving, as well as plenty of potassium, iron, vitamin B5 and phytochemicals.

6. Kiwi

It may surprise you to learn that this small bright green fruit from New Zealand has more Vitamin C than an orange! They are also high in flavonoids and have as much potassium as a banana. Studies have shown that children who ate these vitamin C-rich fruits experienced stronger respiratory tract than children who did not.

7. Bell Peppers

Bell peppers are another food high in vitamin C, as well as beta carotene. These colorful veggies have been studied for the cardio-protective health benefits, and have also been shown to prevent cataracts, blood clot formation and may help us reduce our chances of heart attacks and strokes. One half cup of raw red pepper holds over 140 mg of vitamin C. All bell peppers are high in vitamin C, but yellow are the highest and red peppers come in second.

8. Guava

This exotic fruit is another great vitamin C food, with one Guava containing over 250 mg. Over twice your daily needs! They are also rich in dietary fiber, folic acid, potassium and manganese, making guavas one of the best super foods to add to your diet. Many supermarkets are now importing these fruits from the tropics, so they are easy to find.